a sunday in bed

After last night’s festivities, I have decided to do work today in bed and in my pajamas.  So comfortable and cozy.  It may be weird, but I love working in bed on quiet Sundays.  Best thing about it is that Sundays are not the last day of the weekend for me.  Mondays are my last day of the weekend.  I love the weekend, especially when I get to spend it in my pajamas.  Happy Sunday everyone!

rainy day coffee, finally!

After an awful day of class, I made the trek back to my apartment.  And I know, a one mile walk doesn’t really count as a trek, but it feels like one during the rainy walk home.  And because of a rushed morning this morning, I didn’t get to my cup of coffee.  So coming home around 3:30pm, the first thing I did was make myself a cup.  It was probably the best cup of coffee that I’ve had in a while.  Making my second one now.

it’s been a while

I think that it’s been a while since my last posting, a little too long probably.  I would say that a lot has happened, but in truth it’s not a lot that I care to talk about now.

What I will talk about is the start of a new school year.  Back in Chicago, summer heated down – literally – to fall as the school year began.  I know that the weather may bounce back, but for now, it’s my favorite type of weather: sweatshirt time!  As much as I love summer and it’s more relaxed days, what I love most about fall and spring is that the layers are up to a sweatshirt and down from the down coat and winter boots.  And as much as I hate the first round of homework, I have welcomed it and this weather with open arms.

This semester I am taking a bunch of firsts.  My first Digital photography course, my first Studio photography course and my first Architecture course, of which the Architecture course is the most promising fun course.  “Architecture in Chicago Now” is a course that only meets inside the classroom three times during the semester: the first class, the midterm and the final.  The rest of the time is spent out and about in the city on long walking tours of the actual sites.  There is a mandated weather check before each class because the adventure happens no matter what.  I’m not entirely sure if I should be delighted at that or terrified.  I’ll let you know.

My other classes are a math class titled “Math in Art and Nature” and Art History II.  The math class seems fairly promising, although the teacher seems like more of a librarian than a math teacher.  She is very good at reading aloud as well as lecturing about organization.  I’m not really sure where that class is going to go, but I have a feeling somewhere in there there will be math, art and nature.

As for the rest of my week, right now it is fairly empty. Actually completely empty besides my classes and working out.  So homework, here I come!



living room layout

There is a scene in some movie where a mother and daughter are moving around the living room furniture and everything ends up in the exact same place as where it started. Having just moved into a new apartment, my roommate and I have started the process of how the apartment is going to be set up. Right now, we’re in set up number three, more like number two considering that the second set up was more like a half step in-between the first set up and the current set up.

healthy college living

Over spring break this year, I started watching what I eat. When I got home, I saw the amazing changes that happened when my parents started watching what they ate. So I followed suit.

The goal of this eating healthy thing is weight loss. I’ve been doing this for two months and I have lost over 20 pounds. And it’s not like I don’t get to eat. It’s not a starvation diet; my dad calls it the “deficit” diet. The idea is that you burn more calories than you take in. It’s not rocket science. In this age of technology, it’s not like you have to be a constant calorie counter, you just have to pay attention to what you’re putting in your mouth. And given those parameters, you can eat anything you want, as long as you are keeping track of what you’re eating. My friends roll my eyes when I hesitate about going out to eat, because some things are harder than others to eat without going over. For me, it’s bread. I have pretty much completely cut bread out of my diet and I have stayed on track for almost two whole months. I think it will actually be two months exactly tomorrow!

party walls

I have shared a wall with someone for my entire life. First, my parents, then my brother, then – when we moved – there was a shared wall, or party wall, between our house and the house next door, and then the dorms. But not until moving into this new apartment has there been music and voices so incredibly loud on the other side of the wall that I had to call security, twice.

Loud music during the day is fine. I’m not trying to sleep, so I could really care less about how loud it is. But at night, after 10pm on a night where most people have to get up the next morning, loud music is simply unacceptable.

Now, I understand that everyone has their own interpretation about what loud means, but here is a general guideline. If the person on the other side of the wall can tell what the song is before the lyrics kick in or can hear the song to the point where they might as well be playing it themselves, it is too damn loud. If someone doesn’t have to put their ear up to the wall in order to hear the conversation on the other side, it’s too damn loud.

Sorry about venting. The noise has been taken care of for now. (Dad, don’t worry about me, I got it covered).